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From light to gloom
Nowadays we observe an amazing, even a unique phenomenon: a brilliant civilization, being on peak of the economic, military and political superiority, voluntary, with feeble-minded enthusiasm, gives itself up to backward, feudal and patriarchal societies.
Having achieved an unprecedented technical and cultural breakthrough in the history of mankind; having jumped during three centuries from despotism and absolutism to the society of equal rights and possibilities; having broken off the chains of religious tyranny, the West is ready to put on the handcuffs of the most ignorant and primitive version of obscurantism – Muslim theocracy.
Liberal ideology that began with John Stuart Mill and William Gladstone from the struggle for general equality and personal freedom, degenerated to nihilism and a powerful tool of self-destruction, became a virus corroding the soul of the Western civilization.
It is difficult to find greater haters of the West, than in the West itself. Generations of cultural and political elite are brought up on self-flagellation and self-alienation. The despotism of political correctness prevails over consciousness of a western person, blinding and paralyzing his will more than the communist ideology prevailed over "Homo Sovieticus".
It is difficult to explain this phenomenon rationally.
The Western civilization is guilty of many sins: the Inquisition and slave trade, colonization and the Holocaust, Nazism and communism. However, genocide, fanaticism, slavery and repressions aren't the "prerogative" of only the West. They are inherent to all mankind and continue to happen before our eyes in Congo and Kirghizia, Tibet and Sudan. During only the couple of years Turks have massacred1.5 million Armenians and one million Pontic Greeks. Russian and Chinese regimes exterminated tens of millions people during the years of Stalinism and "Cultural revolution". "Red Khmers" massacred a third of their own people by choppers. Saddam Hussein and Gamal Abdel Nasser used poison gas against the Kurds and the Yemenites. There are almost no followers of Zoroaster and adherents of the Baha'i Faith left in Iran. Homosexuals and women, guilty of adultery, are stoned to death in Saudi Arabia. All these nations don't feel even the slightest sense of shame and repentance for their evil deeds. However, the intellectual elite of the West hate their own culture and admire these criminal regimes and despots.
How can this passion to masochism be explained? May be with weariness? Or is it the loss of cultural and moral orienteers along with spiritual devastation after the two bloody slaughters of the 20th century? Can it be the disillusionment caused by the feverish pursuit of the mirage of social justice?
The scale of this phenomenon has yet to be understood and estimated by historians. In case such historians will remain and the world won't eventually plunge into the medieval obscurantism …

(Author photo)
Категория: PARALYZED BY EVEL | Добавил: Alex (01.08.2012)
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